
Member Contract


Your membership to IDEAL coworking entitles you to the following services:


You must provide us with a list of other individuals who will benefit from your membership (employees, partners, etc.) (the "Members") as well as the necessary information to identify and contact them. Please keep this list updated and inform us of any changes. You must also identify a contact person when signing this agreement. This contact person will receive all our communications during the term of your membership and will be our primary point of contact with you.

All individuals having access to the Leased Premises and our Space must comply with IDEAL regulations (the "Regulations") which can be consulted online at <a href="http://www.idealcoworking.com/regulations/">www.idealcoworking.com/regulations/</a>. Please respect the maximum number of guests or Members included in your membership. Remember that as a Subscriber, you are responsible for the behavior and actions of your Members and any third party visiting our Space.



Membership fees cover:


Membership fees do not cover:

You will need to pay us an amount equivalent to one month's membership fees at the signing of this contract. This amount will be applied to the last month of your membership as payment. However, in case of damages caused by you, one of your Members or guests during the term of this membership, the amount will be used to compensate IDEAL for these damages. The deposit for obtaining the access card will be refunded to you upon return of the card in good condition.

An invoice will be issued to you on the first day of each month. Payment of your membership fees is due upon receipt of our invoice. In case of delay, interest of ten (10) % per year will be added to the amounts due.

Note that membership fees are non-refundable under any circumstances.

Membership fees may be subject to an increase. If such an increase is planned, you will be notified at least three (3) months before it takes effect. If you wish to terminate your membership upon receiving our notice of increase, we will end your membership on the effective date of the increase.


As a Subscriber, you must ensure to:


We commit to:



Your membership will begin on the agreed date with IDEAL. You can then settle in and bring your personal belongings into the Leased Premises from this date (note that if you have a non-dedicated office, your personal belongings should not be left in the Space in your absence). If you wish to move into the Leased Premises before the start date of your membership, you must inform IDEAL to determine a mutually agreeable day. If no date has been agreed with IDEAL for the start of your membership, the start date of the membership will be considered the first day from which you occupied the Leased Premises.

Before the end of your membership, we will send you a renewal notice. You must respond to this to inform us of your desire to end your membership on the scheduled date or to renew your membership.

Termination by you

If you wish to terminate this membership, you must inform IDEAL by written notice of at least forty-five (45) days (i.e., at least fifteen (15) days before your last month as a Subscriber, as billing is always done from the first day of each month).

Termination by us

IDEAL reserves the right to suspend your access to the Leased Premises and the Space or to terminate your membership if:

Termination will then be automatic, and all amounts due to IDEAL will be payable immediately.

Upon termination of this contract, you must vacate the Leased Premises and ensure to take all your personal belongings not belonging to IDEAL with you by the end date of your membership. If you leave personal items in the Leased Premises, we will notify you within a reasonable time. However, if you do not respond to our communications in this regard, we reserve the right to dispose of these items as we see fit. You will also be responsible for all costs incurred for the disposal of these items.


IDEAL assumes no responsibility for any theft or damage caused by anyone in any way, including to the Subscriber's property.


You agree to indemnify and hold harmless IDEAL in the event of any dispute, claim, monetary loss, loss of business opportunity, or expenses (including reasonable attorney fees) arising from a violation of this contract by you, one of your Members, or one of your guests. This includes, without limitation, any lawsuit brought by a third party, any claim by another subscriber, and any material damage caused by you, your Members, or your guests to IDEAL’s property or the Space.


Note that the amounts mentioned in this contract do not include GST/QST. These taxes must therefore be added to all amounts due to IDEAL.


We reserve the right to modify our regulations at any time. We will inform you in writing of any changes made to them. Changes to annual fees are subject to clause 3 of this contract.


This contract is governed by the laws applicable in Quebec, Canada.


In the event of a dispute arising from this contract, the Parties will attempt to resolve it amicably. If resolution is not possible, the dispute or disagreement will be submitted to the competent court in the judicial district of Sherbrooke exclusively. The winning Party will be reimbursed by the other Party for all costs, expenses, and legal fees incurred to enforce or ensure compliance with the provisions, conditions, and obligations of this contract. IDEAL will also be reimbursed by the Subscriber for all costs incurred due to the need to use a collection agency.


This agreement binds, in addition to the Parties, their heirs, successors, liquidators, and assigns, as well as all future assignees.


If any of the clauses of this agreement is found to be null or illegal or is declared so by a court decision, the other clauses forming this agreement will remain valid and enforceable.


The fact that one of the Parties has not insisted on the full execution of any of the commitments contained in this agreement or has not exercised any of its rights conferred herein should not be considered as a waiver for the future to this right or to the full execution of this commitment.


All rights mentioned herein are cumulative and not alternative; the waiver of any right shall not constitute a waiver of any other right.

Service Agreement

Business Address


IDEAL is not responsible for lost, stolen, or misplaced items. The Client is entirely responsible for business activities related to items received by IDEAL. IDEAL is not responsible for claims or activities related to received items that could be considered dangerous, fraudulent, and/or illegal. IDEAL may dispose of any items not picked up within the aforementioned deadlines, fifteen (15) days after notifying the Client by email to pick up these items. All items must be picked up regularly after receiving an email notification during normal business hours from Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.


The service can be terminated at any time upon receipt by IDEAL of an official email specifying the desired termination date. No further invoice will be issued upon receipt of this email. However, if this email is sent in the middle of a month, the Client must still pay for that month. No refund will be issued. The Client will be informed of any price or service changes with thirty (30) days' notice by email. The Client can inform IDEAL of their desire to terminate this contract by responding to the notice within fifteen (15) days of its receipt.


This contract is governed by the laws applicable in Quebec, Canada.


In the event of a dispute arising from this contract, the Parties will attempt to resolve it amicably. If resolution is not possible, the dispute or disagreement will be submitted to the competent court in the judicial district of Sherbrooke exclusively. The winning Party will be reimbursed by the other Party for all costs, expenses, and legal fees incurred to enforce or ensure compliance with the provisions, conditions, and obligations of this contract. IDEAL will also be reimbursed by the Client for all costs incurred due to the need to use a collection agency.

Contact Information


216-4035 rue St-Ambroise, Montreal, QC, Canada, H4C 2E1



Office Hours:

9am to 5pm week days

Member Office Hours:


© 2024 Power Level Studios Inc.